LCA Salary


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If I want to change employers after 180 days of applying for the 485 - What is the minimum salary requirements I need to meet.

As per my Labour application. The survey of people in my job category were drawing a salary of $58000 - 64000. I was offered the job at $74000. My question is if I were to change the job today the new job should pay should be in the reange of $58000 - 64000 or should it be $74000 or greater.

Any ingishts into this issue would be helpful.

As far as I know it is the salary (or salary range) listed in the Labor Certification Application that the INS looks at. Also, I heard that should you move to a different area in the USA there living expenses are lower then it might be okay to have a salary that is lower than what was stated in the LCA.

I understand that if I can get a higher salary than the salary in the LCA it would be good. What I would like to know is what is the miniumum salary requirement I need to meet if I changed the job today based on the 180 day rule.

My LCA was filed in 2000 Nov & 485 in Nov 2001