Answers to your specific questions:
A) If i choose to apply from WY, do I have to reside in WY?
B) Any other pre-conditions to apply from WY?
-- There are not sufficient U.S. workers who are able, willing,
qualified and available at the time of the application for a visa and admission into the U.S. and at the place where the alien is to perform the work; and
-- The employment of such aliens will not adversely affect the
wages and working conditions of similarly employed U.S. workers.
In brief, the current process for obtaining a labor certification
requires employers to actively recruit U.S. workers in good faith for a period of at least thirty days for the job openings for which aliens are sought. The employer's job requirements must conform to the regulatory standards (e.g., those truly necessary), and employers must offer prevailing wages and working conditions for the occupation in the area in which the job is located. Further, employers may not favor aliens or tailor the job requirements to any particular alien's qualifications.