Lay off rules-please explain.


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I was going through some threads posted and found something like 60 day warning for lay off? what is that? my employer said this is your last week and you are laid off ! Is that according to rules? also I have been facing problems from him, like he is making me to work more hours like double and paying less, mentioning that since I cannot go work for other person with out a H1 and If I want the job i have to do work extra, I had been putting up with him for a while now he has come up with the laying off plot and demanding more! Please advice.
Thanks JoeF,
I do have a contract, it is for a min 20 hrs a week (part time) for $14.18/hr with room, board and ful medical insurance, but they said you have to work a little extra, but it was not in the contract, later they started charging for the food!I could not find another employer at this time and I am working in a dairy farm thats why I had to put up with him.