lawyer problem


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My wife and just found out our lawyer is not a state bar member and we are afraid to change becouse all our paperwork is addressed to him, what can we do?

Also my wife is in deportation from a so called friend "guevara & Quintanilla in Los Angeles" that told her he could get a green card for 600.00, not knowing she gave him the money and they applied for asylum from Mexico, well she didnt need asylum, and she didnt sign the asylum form, it was clearly forged, but she did give pictures and finger prints, she found out by the recept it was for asylum, she called the guy and told him to cancel but it was too late.

Can we get a hand writing expert to prove it wasnt her signature and would it help our case?

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Ok I have a new lawyer and he said the I212 wont work becouse she is allredy here, he will try to reopen the asylum so we can go in front of a judge to explain everything and try to get the deportation dropped and start over.

I also found out that my old attorney is a bar member of north carolina, but not here in california, I guess he it doesnt matter to INS.
Thanks, no one ever explained how it works. now it makes sense.

I also just found out that our whole file is dead that our first lawyer was working on, he did things ass backwards, that is why he hasnt returned our calls. "according to our new lawyer after getting our file"
