latest CSC JIT report

Seems like INS will clean all WAC-01 application

Seems like INS will clean all WAC-01 application, before moving to WAC-02 applications. Some of the WAC-02 will understand and appreciate the efforts to clean older applications.
EAD is moving in snails pace.

EAD is moving in snails pace. It is moving on an average 2 days for every 15 days. Has anyone with EAD RD of Feb last week got approval?
INS is weird

The EAD dates might move fast at other times, as INS puts EAD cases in their priority list. We have seen EAD dates moving almost more than a month in 15 days time. That\'s surprising, but that\'s the way INS works. Don\'t question, why? They are NOT out of business and are still working. Isn\'t that good enough?