Last name issue .. stuck in Name check


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I know a few people who have got stuck in namecheck because their last name was Kumar. has anybody received IL recently whose last name is kumar?
Is your's stuck because your last name is Kumar?

I have been wanting to create a few polls - for name check stuck
- common name
- moslem or non moslem
-GC through marriage or employment
- GC through CP or adjustment of status
- country of birth in middle east
- age group
- sex

This way we can try to understand the algorithm of the name check. With over half a million people stuck in name check there seems to be something not quite right here.

Invienna said:
I know a few people who have got stuck in namecheck because their last name was Kumar. has anybody received IL recently whose last name is kumar?
My understanding of the algorithm (which is in no way official)...

1) they take all components of your name, run it through a process which comes up with various possible transliterations (Wang, Wong, Huang for example, or Brian/Bryan).
2) they also consider your birthdate (and perhaps possible mistypings of your birthdate)
3) same for SSN

They run this against every bad-guy database the FBI has, and has access to (for example, if Canada allows them to do this, they'd take advantage of it). the query is probably somewhat loosey-goosey and probably has a probabalistic threshold (for example, if it's a complete match, but your birthdate is off by one digit, then you are a match, but if your name is close match, and so are your birthdate and SSN, then probably not).

If you pass through the query without a 'hit' then you are all set. If not, then someone has to look at your case. Your file goes into a large pile that eventually gets looked at.

I'd be very surprised if there was racial profiling (not astounded, but very surprised). However, if you are named Mohammed or Lee, then, well, there are an awful lot of you.
Names stuck in the name check

Yinan Zhang, Alia Ahmedi, Shong Fu, Abdul Ghafoor, Miao Ling Huang, Sana Jalili, Yan Wang, Yan Yin. They are plaintiffs in class-action lawsuit which was filed yesterday.
My guess is following:

1. Muslim name is a myth. I seriously doubt religious content of NC. I have 3 Egyptian co-workers who are Christians. How their name will tell this? There is no question about religion in N-400. There are many non-believers or atheists everywhere. We should take it away from a causes.

2. Common name (either of them). This is a main cause, I guess.
If you Aaa Bbb and there a few millions of people who has this name there is a big chance that some number of them are bad guys.

3. Translation. Name which is translated from Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese , etc could have different spellings and this will bring some more hits into your basket. For example: Andy, Andrew, Andrey, Andriy, Andrei, Andrzej, Andre, Andreas .....

4. Possible use of soundex. This will bring names that different from yours with different spelling but could be sound like yours or most common typos when your name typed (like Tom - Ron, R & T and N & M are neighbour buttons on KB).

5. Vague search criteria. Looks like they could search by all 3 names (First, Last, Middle) in different combination or by combination of two or maybe even by one of them, possibly in combination with DOB. DOB could be either time frame or just MM/DD or DD/MM or same with year.

The next guess is that after machine search is done cases are selected by number of hits where ones with few hits reviewed during month, with some hits during few month. Cases with lots of hits are dumped to backlog pile.

This is vary disappointing. I run query for my names here and found ony 5 people, including myself, who have same First and Last names in entire USA. One was 10 years younger than me and others were 10+ older then me. Since I'm stuck for over 1 year this means that my query was built that way that it brought hundreds of "hits" and as result my case sunk in NCBH.
Bottom line is name checks were started in 2002 without Congress passing any law. The premise in the recent class action lawsuit filed against USCIS by civil liberty groups claims that the expansion of background check to include name check has not been promulgated by anyone and was arbitrarily decided. It will be interesting to see the outcome of the benefits will apply to 1447(b) cases but indirectly it may impact all stuck in name check.
ap74mo said:
Bottom line is name checks were started in 2002 without Congress passing any law. The premise in the recent class action lawsuit filed against USCIS by civil liberty groups claims that the expansion of background check to include name check has not been promulgated by anyone and was arbitrarily decided. It will be interesting to see the outcome of the benefits will apply to 1447(b) cases but indirectly it may impact all stuck in name check.

Which law suit is this ? And are they challenging the name check process it self ?
Upon talking to many people stuck in name check, I fugure that the longer you live in America, the more chance is there that you get stuck.

I was stuck in NC for about 1.5 years before they cleared it. This is for GC processing.