landing with H1b approvement?


Registered Users (C)
I plan to go for Landing canada. I wish to come back to US to work. I have valid H1b approvement from INS, but I did not have H1b Visa. Do I need to apply for Visa in US consulate in Canada, Or can come up to US with Valid H1b approvement from INS?:confused:
It depends...

whether you are from the terroist country, whether you apply visa or not in canada, whether you plan to travle by air/road, whether you have immigration petition filed etc..

this is a not easy yes/no question.

you might be fine to come back with the 30 dyas rule without the visa stamp. however, there are certain conditions.

There are plenty info on this board, please do a little more search/reading.

you could check the canada-us travel board as well