Landing experience through Detroit. Need Urgent advise

Ashraf Siddique

New Member
Hello everyone. I am from Bangladesh and I need some advise urgently.Has anyone has had a landing experience to Canada using Detroit Ambassador bridge and come back the next day? Right now I am working in computer science job. I have valid H1 visa and I need to land by next month because my time is expiring. I am going alone and want to know what problems I can have. What question do they ask you in Canada border and USA border? What paper I need to show to US border before leaving for Canada? I should take my car or I should go by Bus? I will take 10,000 traveller check with me. Did anyone have trouble with this amount when landing and they asked for more money? Did you declare this when you interview with the USA border when leaving and coming back? Please someone advise me urgently. Thank you very much.

Ashraf Siddique