Landing by road or air?


Registered Users (C)
I plan to land in Canada in the first week of March. What I want to know is whether it is better to fly to Toronto or drive to Windsor from Detroit?

What are your experiences with driving? I plan to apply for SIN also, and due to uncertainties, I want the lexibility to return when I want rather than to be bound by an airplane ticket.

Please help
Why you want to fly when you can drive from Detroit to Windsor which is just few miles away, if you are in Detroit?

There is no difference whether you drive/fly/go by bus/train. You can drive rental/personal car/go by taxi/motor cycle.

Land by air/raod

If you don't intend to just land and come back to US, and don't intend to import your vechile to CN while landing, better not drive your own car(will end up going thru the pain of in transferring the registration to CN and when you head back to US you will have to again change it to US plates. ). If I were you better rent a car with CN plates and drive to CN land and return back in the same car. (this is my understanding from the previous threads)

Disclaimer: I am not a legal professional or a legal advisor, please act accordingly.
I have drove rental car from Detroit with Florida and Michigan Number Plates 3 times in past. Never had any problem due to that.

I drove my own car to Canada.

While I landed (year 2002), I drove my own car to Canada through Detroit-Windosr border.

Officer asked me about importing my car. I said "I dont want to import now, this time I just want to land in Canada. But in near future, I will come back to Canada forever, at that time I will import car".

I landed and came back to USA in 3 days using same border.