landing at Windsor - question about B4 e(04)


Registered Users (C)

I just landed at Windsor. But I have a question on the form
of B4 e (04) that the Canadian border officer wrote. I actually list
my two cars in goods-to-follow form and didn't drive it with
me this time. The officer asked me for the titles of those two
cars and I told him I didn't take the titles with me. Then
he listed the car model in the "Conveyances" section of
the form of B4 e (04) and marked as "RIV to follow" and
"pending title". Why did he fill in the car information
for the cars that I will bring in later? What effect for me
with those information on the B4 e(04) form? Do I have
to pay registration fee for that?

Any hint is appreciated!

He has just noted the cars in goods to follow list and mentioned that when you import it , you need to get the title . You not do need to do anything . IF you have not paid any import fee for these cars you are fine .