laid of f after NVC sends packet 3.


New Member
Hi All,
   I got laid-off after NVC sends packet 3 to me and also consulate
has the file. I have changed to similar job to another company
in the same place on H1-B. Can I re-use any part of my GC-process from
previous employer.

 thanks a lot,
No Title

Simply put - No. Since the job against which your GC was applied for does not exists any longer. Unless you can get in writing from your company that this layoff is temporary and you will be hired back once your GC is completed.

Other option is to start fresh with your new company.

H1CPer: No but some options

Here\'s my 2 cents worth:
1. Try to get back into your old company.
Talk to any senior managers, explore your contacts.
Maybe they have another opening someplace else.
Check their website - look to see if they are hiring at local job fairs.You\'ll be surprised to see how many of them do that!

2. Ask the immigration lawyer of your new company if they have any pre approved labor certifications. Sometimes employees apply and don\'t use the LC - these can be reused by the company if your position/qualifications are similar.
This could give you a head start.
Another view point

technically GC is for future employment. So I don\'t think consulate or NVC or INS should really care who you are working with right now as long as employer sponsering your gc says that they will hire you after you get GC. they will have to say that by giving you an employment/offer letter that you will have to produce in front of the consulate at the time of interview...try to convince your GC sponsering employer for that.

But first consult an immigration attorney ASAP.

all the best.