Labour and Work place after GC ?


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If you get your RIR done in PA and you work in NJ. After you get your GC do you have to work in PA or can continue in NJ. Assume we offices both in NJ and PA
JOEF : Labour and RIR aren\'t they different ?

Regular and RIR aren\'t they different ? I heard somewhere that if you did RIR , it may be fine even if you work elsewhere.

comments please
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The FAQ here says: RIR has following disadvantages:

1. You may end up losing a little time
2. Your labor certification may end up being too generic

Why is a too generic LC a disadvanatge? I thought the
more generic, the better because it means less
180 day rule

Assuming that this case was also approved after 180 days in 485 stage why would all this matter?? Are you not allowed to have similar job anywhere if approval is after 180 days.
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AC-21 is only appplicable to change of employer when I-485 is pending.
It does not say anything about what you can do after I485 approval
neither does it say anything about changing job location working for
the same employer
I Disagree

It it illogical that after you become a PR and have at least worked for your sponsoring employer at the location of your LC that after this that you cannot work in another location with the same employer. This could be simply be the result of changing business conditions and clearly both parties (employer / employee) have a good faith intent to attempt to continue their permanent employment relationship. If the employee wasn\'t able to be flexible about location after fulfilling his / her PR obligations, then the employer may well then lay-off or fire the employee because he no longer has a position for the employee at the original location. How is the possibility of that better than the employer accepting a transfer with the sponsoring employer? Is that the desired consequence? I think not.

I work for a Fortune 100 company that moves people around all of the time and I have specifically asked our immigration attorneys this question. They concur that once an individual and the company have each fulfilled their obligations of the PR job offer, the employee is free to change job duties and location with employer -- with no limit of "X" months after becoming a PR. I suggest you check with your own legal counsel and not depend on our opinions here.