Labor certification in Oregon


New Member any of u\'ll know the timelines for LC in LC was filed on August its over 6 months and yet no any of u\'ll have similar situations..
Labor in Oregon

Mine was applied on May 2nd of last year. I have not yet heard from SESA/DOL. Is there anyone who has applied in the same time frame heard from them?

processing 5/16 now in Oregon

It looks like they are reluctant to process DOL applications. It goes very slow recently.
Slow labor in Oregon

Mine labor was applied on May 23, 2001. Till today, My lawyer has not received anything, not even a file # or any other number. Is this normal??
For User Labor_or: Have you heard anything yet?

For Labor_or: Rir is at May 31, 2001 in oregon. Is yours RIR? and have you heard anything. Do u have a file number or anything?
Have you heard anything yet?

Rir is at May 31, 2001 in oregon. Is yours RIR? and have you heard anything. Do u have a file number or anything?
Labor in Oregon


My case was transefered from SESA to SFO DOL on Jan 30th. My RD in Oregon was May 2nd. Has anyone whose case was sent to SFO DOL from SESA in this time period heard from them?

What is the regional/federal processing location for OR LC

I applied for LC on June 5 2001. Got message from lawyer on 4/1/2002 that state level LC approved and forwarded to federal/regional level LC. Could any 1 tell me which processing center is used for Oregon LC application.
Whats the difference b/w seatle and sf info relased by SFO DOL

I understand that Oregon Federal labor goes to SFO DOL. Why is Seatle dol info still provided. Does SEATLE DOL still exist. Or SFO keeps seprate q for SFO and SEATLE
HI SP was your case stopped at SESA

SP, We are sorry to hear this but I am sure some thing positive is due very soon for you. My questions is "Is your case stuck at SESA??> Or has it been transferred to DOL??. Also what kind of questions did they ask the attorney to prove??
Good News- My Case Transfered TO San Francisco

Hi Guys,
Thank God!!!!.
Finally Our Case Got Approved from SESA and sent to SFO.
Where can I get more information regarding the second stage please let me know.
Congratulations SP !!

I am really Really Happy SP.. Mine too got transferred. There is no thread that tracks Seattle DOL. Let me know any other details.
One thing we need is to know the first few Digits that the DOL assigns to case numbers when they send the receipt notice.
I think we can get status by sending mail

Congrats!!! Gruha. We can check status by sending mail

You can check by yourself by sending e-mail to with
 your enployer\'s tax ID number or the telephone number. You can find out how to check
in this web site: under DOL Processing Times. (
For e-mail checking, the status can be checked using one of three numbers: (It is underlined here for emphasis. People should not underline in typing in the body of the message!)
(1) Employer Tel #. In the body of the message, please type Employer Phone (555)XXX-XXXX (employer phone number) and send;

(2) Employer Tax ID#. In the body of the message, please type Tax ID XX-XXXXXX (employer tax id number) and send;

(3) LC Case #. In the body of the message, please type Case XXXXX (your case number) and send. Only one case at a time will be accepted.

Status report will be e-mailed back to you almost instantly.

Status database is updated everyday at 5:00 a.m.)
OR SESA dates

my labor was filed at OR SESA on July 31st and I have not yet heard anything from them. DO any of you guys have similar experiences or is any of your filing dates is close to july 31st and have been approved or somethin!!
Checking the DOL Seattle Processing !!

I tried with Employer Tax ID and Phone number options
as I dont have my case numbers. It comes back with
some very past (1998) one case in return. Thats why I
need to know the first 6 digits of what is being
processed so that I could find out approximately what
date they are processing. Let me know if you find any thing.

Trail Blazers : i think OR SESA is currently processing July 19th For RIR