Labor Certification Approved - Employer made Mistake in 9089 - Options - Reg


New Member
I have question regarding my LC.

Basically, my company has filed LC for my GC process.

Now, they want me to sign form 9089 and I am a bit confused with information on the form. It seems they missed a lot of information on it.

Here is my background:
- Presently into IT Consulting in Oracle/DBA apps.
- 7 Months OPT experience after MS in US
- 3.5 yrs IT Consulting experience (H1 started Jan 2007; Same Employer all through)
- MS in Electrical Engineering (June 2006)

- GC Filed under EB2 Category
- Employer filed GreenCard Labor Application in July
- Labor was approved within 2 Months (1st week of September)

1. If they fix in form 9089, is there any effect to LC for GC?
For example, my job duties are incomplete, they don’t count my training period, my experiences.
>> Since i am from Electrical Engineering background, are there any specific requirements that i must show towards the Postiion (Software Engineer)

2. What is the level requirement for EB2 for prevailing wage?
