L1 overstay...Not sure


Registered Users (C)
My situation is slightly complex so please bear with me.

I came to the US way back in 2000 on an L1 visa. My visa dates were from
9th June 2000 till 9th June 2001. I left the country only on 22nd June 2001.

Now I am not sure if the I-94 issued when I entered on L-1 had a later date. But I had no problems exiting the US, had no problems getting a subsequent F-1 visa stamped (via drop-box), had no problems re-entering the US on that F-1 visa and had no problems in getting that F1 status changed to an H1B approval.

Now I need to go for a visa stamping interview in Canada. I am wondering how risky that 'potential overstay' could be (note that I am still trying to get hold of that darned I-94 copy but have not found it yet so maybe there was no overstay).

My feeling is, if there had been a potential overstay, it would have already been caught. hence I can rest at ease.

How correct am I in thinking so?

Do you think in a case like this I am better off getting the visa stamped in India?
I should also point out that the I-94 I was given on entering with an L-1 was taken back when I left the country in 2001.