Just talked to an IIO, need some feedback please . . .


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WAC# 01-108-XXXXX RD:02/01 ND:02/01 EB3(other)
I just heard a terrible news, both my wife\'s and my case haven\'t been assigned to an officer yet! The worse part is, the officer said they haven\'t even received my FP(done in late March). Is this normal?
I remeber some people said if you gave officers your A# they can move your FP from one system to another to speed up your case a little bit. Can someone share more info on this please?
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I called FBI in mid April and was told our FP have been sent to INS in early April. How are FPs sent to INS, electronically or conventionally? The officer said our FP maybe still in the "mailroom"
where they are experiencing a serious backlog... but still, it\'s been 2 months, isn\'t it a little strange?
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First of all, thank you guys.
I just called FBI again 5 minutes ago, the lady I spoke to told me that both FPs were sent back to CSC on ARPIAL 1st!! What should I do next? Is there anything I can do about it? Can I ask FBI to resend our FPs to CSC?
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Don\'t panic. I am in the same boat as you. I spoke with my attorney. There are several others in the same situation as you and I. Just that they are not aware because they did not talk with the IIO. There\'s not much you can do except, may be, ask your attorney to fax in a request to INS regarding this issue. You and I are just sufferring at the hands of the INS due to no fault of ours. INS is the most incompetent agency handling, rather, bungling up on every aspect including not putting the fingerprints in their system.

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Sal, so this is happening to others, too? I\'ve to admit that I was very panic before reading your post! Thanks a lot for the info. I really wish this INS nightmare could end soon for all of us "who are sufferring at the hands of INS".
Can you tell me what is your RD and ND? By the way, do you know a FP can stay valid for how long?
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dentyne dont worry....Your FP is valid for 15 months from the day you do it....IIO told me this before....after me and wife did our FP on march 31 I called FBI on april 3/4 and was told they have sent our FP same day to CSC....about 1.5 month later I called CSC and confirmed that they received our FP.....and they were good....so my qiestion is after u called FBI months back didn\'t u talk to CSC whether u received it ? or is today the first time u called CSC about ur fps..?
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debo_nair, I did call CSC in mid April after I called FBI, but at that time, the mean officer who I spoke to refused to check on the FP status for me after I told her our FPs were taken 2 weeks ago. She said it\'s too early to check on anything ! I hate her! Well, today I thought I\'ve waited long enough so I gave it another try, but the answer I got made me even more depressed...
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It took me a good three months before my fingerprints showed up into the CSC computer system. So I wouldn\'t worry. Plus don\'t forget there are two separate computer systems and many times the IIO officers only check (or only know how to check) their local sytem, which is updated at some magical date sometimes months after your FP has been received into the main INS system. So alot of time when they say they show no record of your FP thats because the FP\'s are not in system #2 even though they may already be in system #1. I spoke to many IIOs over the course of my I485 saga and it was clear that most of them didn\'t know how to, or didnt bother to, look in system #1.
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bubba b, let\'s hope my FP are in system #1 and not lost. Did you do anything to help your FP to move from system#1 to #2? I hope I can speak to a nicer officer next week and persuade him/her to look into system #1 for me (if he/she knows how to...). Otherwise, I can just pray for the "magical date" to come thru soon! Thanks a lot!
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Can we call these guys directly and ask if they received the FPs back from FBI? I did my FP @ Santa Rosa and I seriously doubt my FPs were sent back there. I think FPs should go directly to CSC, and not to a specific local office.

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Buba...when I spoke to IIO, she said my case has not been assigned yet. Did my FP 0n 03/15 and in the system #2 on 03/27. Has not been moved yet to System #1. Do you have any idea when it will move.

thanks... (ND 01/01/11)
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Looks like CSC issued a lot of FP notice around March and April but they don\'t have "time" to process the result. (I received my FP notice just about 3 weeks after I got my I485 receipt.) Maybe that\'s way they recently slow down the pace of issuing FP notice. I hate this roller coaster drive!
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We are also in the same situation. FBI says they have sent it. CSC says they have not been received. I understand that FBI sends electronically and FBI would not resend the records unless CSC makes a request to their laison department. To make CSC send such request, Your attorney should fax an inquiry requseting CSC to make such request or for rescheduling.