Just now talk to IIO regarding case status

deep varma

Registered Users (C)
I just now talked to IIO and he told me that our case assigned to officer yesterday as they\'ve received FBI background check on Jan. 29th. Lets see how much time it takes now. I called up INS to put change of address request and then asked my status.

RD:4/16, ND:6/5, WAC-01-203-XXXX

What was your AVM message ?

Was it "Dec29..resumed" ?

IF so, and if IIO said to you that they received all reports back in Jan\'02,, then "..resumed" means nothing...
what does your AVM say ??

deep verma,
   What does your AVM say ??
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can somebody in the forum advice you people not to talk to IIO. It is not going to help anyway. You are just wasting your time and IIO\'s time let them work.

You are not going to hear a message saying that "oh my dear i will process your application rightaway?
please stop calling
I agree

There is no point in calling IIO\'s. First of all its difficult to get through. Then when we finally get through we hear the story from an IIO. More than often, I see people getting different story each time they call up. So, maybe not calling an IIO may help keep our frustration level down. Again this may not be the case with everyone but it has worked for me so far.

April 2001 - RD, EB2(RIR), AP, EAD, FP done..Now waiting.
I agree

IIO calls should only be used sparingly and only for critical issues.
I had a design manager who was very pushy about deadlines. He wanted projects to be done in half the time.
One day a designer said, "Sir, No matter what you do a mother will take 9 months to deliver. You cannot do anything about it. So take it easy!!!".

So Guys, take it easy !!!!
on the top of that

This increases traffic on the tel lines and makes it difficult for the people to get through who have to call IIO for the things like address change.
Agree too.....

It makes perfect sense to leave some tel lines for those
desperate address-changers.
Guys, I told you that I called up for address change and then asked my status

So, please read full details before making any comments.
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Since you guys already talked about -ve side of calling IIOs, let me try touching on +ve side of it...

1. As deep varma wrote some may need to call IIO to make address change/confirmation etc.
2. I read about couple of cases on this board (related to CSC) where talking to IIO did help! In couple of case IIO said "I don\'t know why this case is not yet assigned to the officer! I will send a note to the supervisor..." and within few days the person got approval. In some other cases the applicant was waiting for FPs and IIO updated the system to issue FP notices right away.
3. Some one noted in some other related thread that by calling IIO some times you may know some more information which you cannot get from AVM.

- PCee
I 100% agree with PCee

I think it\'s individual\'s call to make a judgement based on experience and reason for calling. So instead of being ridiculed of someone\'s decision, let\'s be better neighbours. Sharing is knowledge.
The need to talk to an IIO.

While I fully understand that our fellow applicants feel that calling IIO is waste of time, these IIO are there only to take our call and they do not do the actual adjucating work.

Moreover, it provides a level of comfort as we are hearing the story from someone who is seeing the case live on a monitor (whether he understands and give us bs is another story). It also provides us the analysts or so called theoroticians (for lack of better word), a discussion topic under which we can spend some time. I know each passing day is so tough that even in dreams I think about IIO and approvals.

Do we lose something from talking to IIO ? Sometimes it sets us back when they say that they did not receive FBI results like in my case and today they confirmed that they received my results on JAn 31, 2002 even though my AVM says that \'On Dec 29.. blah blah...

thats my 2 cents :)-
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in general, IIOs are not helpful
I would say 90% of the calls made to IIOs do not make any difference to the case, in general again.