Just got my EAD


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Can you believe that I got the approval e-mail on 03/23/06 and got the card in the mail the next day? woo-hoo.... monday I am on serious job hunting!
congratulations , amazing i knew something big was going to happen to you
soon , your signature is moving very well, keep it going, eric
thanks guys! Well, Rex, I've had a SSN for a while bc I worked in the US before with a J-1 visa. I guess I was luckier than many people that lived here for ages and were never able to apply for a SSN. I could only imagine how frustrating it might be to have an EAD in hand but you can't work , can't have driver's license, can't file taxes, apply for a loan, credit card.... all bc you don't have SSN.
Still, I'll go to the SS office on Monday to finally legally change my name to my married name (even though all my docs, CC, bank accounts, car stuff are all in my married name) I also need to remove those conditions from my SS card. YAY!!!
Thanks for everyone's support, like many of you have been saying. Our personal experiences made us know more about the USCIS than many shady lawyers :) I am so glad I am not paying anyone to do this, how would I know that lawyer is serious or is just trying to rip immigrants off? thanks, thanks again guys! And good luck to everyone.

Just curious, how does the EAD look like?is it card or just a piece a paper? Good luck on the job hunting. Your story is very insipiring; thank God for small miracles!
It's a card, like a DL I guess that is the best way to describe it, it's white with red trim at the top. It has your name, signature, thumbprint, A#, receipt #, DOB, category you filed, sex, country of birth, terms and conditions, expiration and it says it's not valid for reentry to the US. That is why you need to get AP if you are not a PR yet.
After I wrote all of these, I googled and found this http://www.ilw.com/immigdaily/news/i-766.jpg
Only that the picture is not weird like taht anymore showing your ear. I was lucky I got a good pic when I did my FP code 2
Thanks for the info. I'm gonna try "visualizing" my EAD, maybe that will make it come sooner. :D I just hope I don't look like drunk witch or a a drug addict. :eek:
hahahaha I hope your picture is not too bad! Did you get your FP done yet? They use that picture. And positive thinking is always good, that I know!

ironica27 said:
Thanks for the info. I'm gonna try "visualizing" my EAD, maybe that will make it come sooner. :D I just hope I don't look like drunk witch or a a drug addict. :eek:
I had my FP done March 1st but I didn't see my picture. wish me luck! anyway, if I look weird I can always say that my mom said I was a beautiful baby. :D
ironica27 said:
I had my FP done March 1st but I didn't see my picture. wish me luck! anyway, if I look weird I can always say that my mom said I was a beautiful baby. :D

Try a different line, Publicus and Ari always say that and if you see their faces :eek: :eek:
...believe me it doesn't work
:D :D :D
lakelady said:
After I wrote all of these, I googled and found this Only that the picture is not weird like taht anymore showing your ear. I was lucky I got a good pic when I did my FP code 2

Oh my god!!! :eek: Suzy!!!! What have you done to your face? Is it so scary that they had to white-out parts of your EAD?? :D :D

Im sure publicus must have looked at this pic when he wanted to marry you... http://www.ilw.com/immigdaily/news/i-766.jpg :D :D :D

Publicus... you still have time to withdraw your offer :D :D :D. Dont tell me that i dint warn you :D
Suzy977 said:
Ari, how many times do I have to tell you, this is why you GC picture was rejected, you should show your right ear :D :D :D

I think Publicus may fall in love with you, you're his type, sexy and and hairy ;)

I still dont understand. You made your own card and still screwed up with the picture? For the picture on my card, i can blame you for that since you helped me print my card :D :D :D. I only paid you $$$ for it. I cant wait to see how publicus's pic looks like as you did it for free :D
ari4u said:
I still dont understand. You made your own card and still screwed up with the picture? For the picture on my card, i can blame you for that since you helped me print my card :D :D :D. I only paid you $$$ for it. I cant wait to see how publicus's pic looks like as you did it for free :D

You want to see Publicus, you'll love him, you and him...a match made in Heaven. ;)
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lakelady said:
Can you believe that I got the approval e-mail on 03/23/06 and got the card in the mail the next day? woo-hoo.... monday I am on serious job hunting!

Hey, Just found these forums.. geez, glad to know im not alone in this :) My wife is filing for her green card (well, i'm pretty much doing all the paperwork, but hehe) Anyways, I just got this notice online:


Current Status:

This case has been approved. On March 28, 2006, an approval notice was mailed.

Does this mean they mailed the card itself yesterday? or did they mail a letter to go get the card? or what? We're excited, as this is the first time 'approved' has appeared on any of our documents, etc.. heh.. sorta wondering :)

She had her code3 FP like, 3 weeks ago. I485 & 765 RD is 12/28/05. Is this slow? fast? or average? Also, I got a RFE for the 485.. for 3 items I already sent them.. oh well, sent new copies anyways.

Sorry, didnt mean to get all into it... Guess my question is, Do they send the i-766 in the mail? or do you have to go pick it up?
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Congrats, your wife should get her card soon. However, I noticed that sopme people got their card in the mail a few days later, not the next day like I did. But I noticed the date on the stamp and it was 03/23 (the day I received the email about the approval. So keep your fingers crossed!

dicion said:
Hey, Just found these forums.. geez, glad to know im not alone in this :) My wife is filing for her green card (well, i'm pretty much doing all the paperwork, but hehe) Anyways, I just got this notice online:

Does this mean they mailed the card itself yesterday? or did they mail a letter to go get the card? or what? We're excited, as this is the first time 'approved' has appeared on any of our documents, etc.. heh.. sorta wondering :)

She had her code3 FP like, 3 weeks ago. I485 & 765 RD is 12/28/05. Is this slow? fast? or average? Also, I got a RFE for the 485.. for 3 items I already sent them.. oh well, sent new copies anyways.

Sorry, didnt mean to get all into it... Guess my question is, Do they send the i-766 in the mail? or do you have to go pick it up?
Hello all,
Anyways the picture shown on the sample card should be a "male" from China with 1920 as the year of birth. It was meant to be hillarius.