July RD filers: Any Left?


Registered Users (C)
Looks like VSC is now processing Aug cases. What will happen to the July RD waiters?
I am still waiting

RD Jul 16 2001
ND Aug 29 2001
EAD Sep 19 2001 (Expiring on Sep 18 2002)
FP Mar 26 2002
AD ??????????

Is there a GOD somewhere/anywhere???
RD 07/09 ND 08/23 AD ???

I am very frustrated seeing August and Sept cases approved and few July filers still waiting. It will be anniversary tomorrow. Looks like there are not many cases left, I hope we are not forgotten.
Can we do something collectively, I mean writing to the Congressman, Senator or INS director ?
Any ideas?
Re: july 16 - are you planning to renew your EAD?

Originally posted by El Liu
Are you planning to renew your EAD?

I am planning to wait until July 16 2002 and then apply for renewal of EAD, I do hope I am doing the right thing.

To Buddy ,July 16

I am sad for you; My hunch did not work out;
You name the brand and it is yours, I lost fair and square...
at least this will LIFT your SPIRITS ..
EAD Renewal Questions - please reply

My EAD expiers in October. Although I amon an H1 which expires
in Feb '03, mt job is unstable so I plan to apply for EAD renewal.

RD: July 30 '01
ND: Sep 20 '01
FP: Jan 14 '02
AD: ?

What is the procedure for applying for EAD renewal. Can I
do it on my own without a lawyer?

How much does it cost?
Re: To Buddy ,July 16

Originally posted by FutureGen1
I am sad for you; My hunch did not work out;
You name the brand and it is yours, I lost fair and square...
at least this will LIFT your SPIRITS ..

Hey Pal thanks for your sympathies,
Atleast you had good wishes,
Now about the BET
Lets make it DOUBLE or QUITS
If I am approved by July 16 you win and I ll buy you a 4 gallon keg of Beer of your choice
And if I am not approved then I shoot you!!!!!!!
Just Kidding ;-)

NB: The only option I see after July16 is Renewal of my EAD.
I am very frustrated seeing August and Sept cases approved and few July filers still waiting. It will be anniversary tomorrow. Looks like there are not many cases left, I hope we are not forgotten.
Can we do something collectively, I mean writing to the Congressman, Senator or INS director ?
Any ideas?

Where is September approvals from VSC?? I have never seen one. It is troublesome both for you and all other to see that dark July is till hanging, hanging, hanging...

The world is all changed....

Enron, WorldCom, Xerox, Merck, today Quest again.
401K --> 201k

too much..
One reason is confusion between RD & ND

Looks like some INS clerks confused between RD & ND. eg person having RD 7/1 and ND 9/10 , his case might have got assigned to September queue. My ex-roommate's RD is 5/1 and ND is in august. He got approved yesterday. Previously when he called IIO he was told that his case is 'August case'
anyone knows if their case is w/officer?

Fellow frustrated waiters (CrazyINS, July16 and others)....
Anyone of you knows if their case is with an officer?
I know mine is since at least July 1.
AVM still stays FP recv'd January 14.
I think we are a bunch of unlucky guys.
There is hope though, I just saw a post of someone with mid July RD who got approved with no RFE. Let's pray that God gives those officers some inspiration and they approve us quickly.
Re: anyone knows if their case is w/officer?

Originally posted by freaked
Fellow frustrated waiters (CrazyINS, July16 and others)....
Anyone of you knows if their case is with an officer?
I know mine is since at least July 1.
AVM still stays FP recv'd January 14.
I think we are a bunch of unlucky guys.
There is hope though, I just saw a post of someone with mid July RD who got approved with no RFE. Let's pray that God gives those officers some inspiration and they approve us quickly.

I spoke to an IIO twice
once in Mid April
and then again in May ending

1st time I was told case has not been assigned to an officer ant it could take anything between 3 and 6 months.

2nd time around The lady said that the case has been assigned to an officer, but she could not give a time frame, the reason being extra security checks, when I asked her what I should do about my EAD which is expiring on Sep 19 2002 she said That I should most probably approved by then, but to be on the safer side I should renew my EAD.

And that is also the advise most folks here on the forum have given me, that I should wait till 60 days before EAD expiry and then apply for a renewal if not approved by then.

so I am planning to wait till July 16 (which by the way will be 365 Days) and then apply for EAD renewal.

What about you did you Talk to an IIO and what transpired can you please post here.

I just hope that we all June to Sep filers get some respite soon
Mine is also with an officer

July16,freaked and other July 01 waiters,

I called IIO three times so far (last time in the mid june) every time i was told its with an officer should hear something in the next two weeks. So its with an officer from end of April. So far nothing, I applied for my EAD renewal towards the end of May 02, got the EAD in mail couple of days back. And AP were sent to lawyer and he FEDEXED them to us. Still waiting anxiously for the final approval. I stopped checking the avm now, but the bug bit my wife she checks it now on a regualr basis.

I dont know what to do, my lawyer said he might talk to INS at the end of this month, I am thinking about writing to local congressman.

Meanwhile lets console each other.
