Journey and Advise N400


Registered Users (C)
I have Applied on 1st June - 2011 and got my approval notice today(31st Oct) with status indicating that they have mailed my Oat letter, my family who applied and got the Oat date of 18th Nov - 2011, so I am hoping to get the same date as my lawyer has requested it. In my case the major delay was due to RFE requested by the officer on the basis that I have travelled in 1999 on my B1/B2 visa to attend a conference for which I came earlier in 1998 , but in 1999 I do like to explore a project and told the office at port of entry the truth but she was not convinced and told me that because i used the word job so I cannot let you go , even though I had approved H1-B petition. In short I have to go back and get my H1-B visa stamped after they cancelled my B1/B2 visa, so somehow it was hanging in my file, my lawyer cleared it properly and also a issue of speeding tickets for which I have requested a clarification during the interview if citation include traffic tickets so officer like to see the paid/notarized copies.(Got my GC in Aug of 2006)- Also I had a made a mistake in starting date with one of my employer (But Lawyer did ask me send a sorry letter as again that date is not have any significant to my application but should be cleared)

Here is lesson learned :- If you have simple doubt on anything in your case/question do take a lawyer. Do get all the traffic tickets/payment info and put in your application and if you could not find the record (Normally 5 years should suffice) again this for minor speeding issues only. Do not read too many forum postings do present them and if you have doubt in question ask the officer before signing any paper to maintain your GMC status (That helped me). If you have any doubt on any date, do inform the officer and read your application multiple times before sending it.

Most of the people on this forum have worked hard to get the honor of being a citizen of this great country, so make sure we do not screw it up by simple mistakes, when you are reading this forum, please do understand that each case is different.

Again I will strongly advise do not hide anything and put everything on the table and you will never have to face any issue. I do like to thank every body here ...I will be part of this forum and will help clarify whatever I can ....Thanks Again...