joke: your NIW approved


Registered Users (C)
Dear farhome:

Your petition for permenant residency under the NIW category was approved.

We approved your petition based on the following facts.
(1) You hold a bachelor degree and have one month's experience in posting threads, thus satisfying the "members of the professions holding advanced degrees".

(2) Your research work, posting threads, is of substantial intrinsic merit, since posting threads is a very efficient way in asking and answering many questions which are urgent to the national interest and security.

(3) The benifit of your research work is national in scope, since you have posted many excellent threads in international prestigious forum such as immigration portal which have been and will continue to be read by your peers in the every corner of the United States.

(4) The natioanl interest would be adversely affected if you were required a labor certification. First, with your excellent threads, you have proved yourself to be on the very top of your peers with similar background. You are an excellent scientist whose role cannot be replaced. Second, if you go through the labor certification process, you will then only post threads on how to obtain LC rather than NIW. At that case, all the NIW petitioners will go to the LC process, which will be detrimental to the health of our officers involved in the LC process due to work overload, and thus adversly affecting our national interest. Therefore, to keep our officers working healthily, granting your NIW petition is in the best interest of the United States.

In light of the above facts, we gladly ( :p ) approved your NIW petition. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you are not satisfied ( :mad: ) with our decision.

Finally, please sent our wholehearted bless to all NIW petitioners!


VSC Officer
farhome said:
Dear farhome:

Your petition for permenant residency under the NIW category was approved.

We approved your petition based on the following facts.
(1) You hold a bachelor degree and have one month's experience in posting threads, thus satisfying the "members of the professions holding advanced degrees".

(2) Your research work, posting threads, is of substantial intrinsic merit, since posting threads is a very efficient way in asking and answering many questions which are urgent to the national interest and security.

(3) The benifit of your research work is national in scope, since you have posted many excellent threads in international prestigious forum such as immigration portal which have been and will continue to be read by your peers in the every corner of the United States.

(4) The natioanl interest would be adversely affected if you were required a labor certification. First, with your excellent threads, you have proved yourself to be on the very top of your peers with similar background. You are an excellent scientist whose role cannot be replaced. Second, if you go through the labor certification process, you will then only post threads on how to obtain LC rather than NIW. At that case, all the NIW petitioners will go to the LC process, which will be detrimental to the health of our officers involved in the LC process due to work overload, and thus adversly affecting our national interest. Therefore, to keep our officers working healthily, granting your NIW petition is in the best interest of the United States.

In light of the above facts, we gladly ( :p ) approved your NIW petition. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you are not satisfied ( :mad: ) with our decision.

Finally, please sent our wholehearted bless to all NIW petitioners!


VSC Officer

This is the best thread I have ever seen. :D
Dear Farhome,

Let me, on behalf of everyone in VSC (and CIS) congratulate you on getting your I-140 approved. As the officer noted, your postings is of substantial intrinsic merit. But unfortunately, my officer did not describe to you why we consider it so ( :mad: ). I hope I can explain this to you.

You see Sir, my of our petitioners think that they are the salt of the earth. So what if they have MS, MA or Ph.D? Can it compare to your incomparable Bachelor's degree? What is a Ph.D anyway? The petitioner claims that he/she is a Doctor of Philosophy in some field or the other, none of which have anything to do with Philosophy! Others claim that they are Masters in some field or the other. Tell me sir, did they win the only Masters that is important -- US Masters open? Huh? Can you confirm that sir? No you cant! No sir, Bachelors degree it is. The King of Kings! In all the resumes that we have seen, the bachelor's degree is always third on the list whereas in your case it is first on the list! What's more important, it is the only one on the list!! Now, how unique is that? Can anyone of the other petitioner claim to place so much importance to their bachelor's degree? The fact that you have decided to stop after bachelor's degree itself shows how difficult it is to get that degree in your chosen field. By default, other bachelor's degree must necessarily be easier. Moreover, if they do not have any respect for the King of Kings, why should we approve the petition?

Your unbelievable experience in posting messages in various internationally known portals (such as this one) is itself a proof that your work, magnificent insights are disseminated to experts across the world. Many have replied to your messages which confirms that your work is acknowledged by independent experts. What better recommendation can you get? Infact, the replies to your posts are unsolicited which makes your work even more remarkable.

By sharing your uncommon wisdom with others, you are indeed providing jobs to our poor fellows who might otherwise be tempted to go and play golf at 9:00 in the morning! Indeed, they may get laid off or transferred to other departments that are way over staffed in the first place! Your ability to save our jobs makes you a person worthy of NIW. Thank you for saving our jobs and mine.

Yours Sincerely


Vermont Service Center.