Job switch after a DUI on H1B


New Member

I want to ask something that is bugging me a lot-

Is it okay to switch jobs in US after one DUI conviction? The jail time, probation, fines all served and the case is now dismissed.

Does it show up in your new employer background check? Should I tell my new employer myself or should I keep quite? Can they do anything bad (like layoff) once they find out my DUI conviction later?

I'm tensed and do not want to loose this one good opportunity :(

Please share if you have any information about it...

Never Drink & Drive!
An employer is free to use criminal history as a reason to refuse to offer employment or terminate an employee. It is not likely to occur for a DUI unless a good driving record is a requirement for a job. It depends on the type of background check as to whether it is listed.

I find it interesting that you mentioned "jail time". Hw did you explain your absence from work if your employer does not already know?