Job Description For Lc


New Member
My lawyer is starting to work on my LC. Based on his experience and current soft economy situation. He asked my company (which is big and bureaucratic) to raise my postion requirement to require a Master's degree, and as a result, the company has to pay me much more upon I get my GC. But those HR persons in my company are reluctant to sign anything that is different on his file. ON HR file, My position requires only Bachelor degree. I don't want to beg those guys any more. If I ask my lawyer to go with it, how big is the risk to get a LC rejection? Is that degree requirement really important? by the way, I am a IT worker with MS degree and 5 yrs experience.
it's same with other comapny.

As your lawyer is right, but if your company doesn't agree then go with Bachelor (as EB3, because right now eb2 and eb3 is current )

But try to make your job descritpion unique to you, so it won't create problem with flooded application (Lawyer suggeaction was to filter out some applications objectively by using master degree)
But it convert your lc into eb2 so your company has to pay more.

So find out some unique requirement, (which might cause trouble in i-485 stage when you want to change job agter 180 days) and work with hr to include that.

Every company has different situation, but I involved my supervisor to talk to HR for requirement change.

I hope this will help.

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