Job Change


Registered Users (C)
Just wanted to know if there are any regulations about informing INS about change of job

(i) After Receiving GC
(ii) Before Receiving GC. i.e. after 180 days of I-485
1)Not sure on 'After GC'
2)w.r.t 'Before GC' ., it's NOT Mandatory to inform INS about job change, but if you feel so, U can file AC-21.
Hope this helps
Some people in this forum posted that BCIS now expects to be informed about AC21 job change. Apparently this is a new interpretation of that rule.
Just tell everything to BCIS. Anything happens later can not be justified if you fail to tell the truth.
Frankly I dont know of a form/method to follow to inform INS/BCIS of job change. What I did was inform address change which if it is to diff city/state I guess is taken as job change.

As far as address change goes I believe its just about safe to inform them irrespective your GC status in the present scenerio.

My opinions does not have legal sanctity