January2003-Awaiting 485 Receipts


Registered Users (C)
Mailed on January6,2003
Receipts not yet recieved..

If any of you guys recieved 485 Receipts mailed in the month of January,Please post your details.

loooooooooooooooooooong WAIT

I am waiting for receipts , MD=11/20/02 , RD=11/22/02.

Is there any way to find out receipt status from INS ????
Any Receipts for January2003

Hi Guys,
Same question: Does anyone receieved receipts who mailed their I-485 applications in January2003

My MD:Jan6,2003

No receipts yet!!!
Received Receipts-485

Hi Guys,

Finally, we received receipts for 485 and EAD

Our M.D:Jan6,2003
RD: Jan8,2003
ND: Jan31,2003

Received receipts for both of us.

Good luck
Hi Help2
If your check is cleared you can see the EAC# at the back of the check and then check with online system.
check goes to the bank. Pl. let me know how can we check the EAC# at the back of the check.
To check EAC #

Very Simple. If you have registered your account online. There is option to check which checks are cleared .The image gives the back portion of check where EAC # is mentioned. So donot wait and check.
Let me know if u need more assistance.
Originally posted by anj_nj
check goes to the bank. Pl. let me know how can we check the EAC# at the back of the check.

Once the cke clears, u can get a copy of the check from the bank. No charge most of the times.

if u have online banking u might be alble to look at the check on line. my bank lets me do it.

I am still waiting for my wife's 1 485 reciept too. check has not cleared either.

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