January 2002 Approvals


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys, Janaury approvals have started for sure. I oftenly scan for series EAC-02-109, in that I found 2 approvals on 06/10-EAC02109516XX. For sure these are not transferred or ageout cases as it's status was generic message before 06/10. There are 5-6 approvals for this series which happened in early this year and late last year, probably they where transfer cases.;) ;)
Found 4 Jan approvals

Approved on Jan 13th


My EAC is just a few numbers from one of the above EACs. :(

I will be scanning the 02-110 series periodically and posting progress.
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Well that's great to hear we are finally in 2002 !!

Guys it has been long time since we are stuck in 2001 that I used to wonder whether we will move to 2002 ever !!
Scanned two more approvals today.

Scanned two more approvals today (6/18).

Another Jan Approval in Rupnet

Got this email from rupnet.com

User Phil P with User Id : philwa , RD- 01/10/2002 in you RD month group. Updated his info with Approval Status
Please visit http://www.rupnet.com/immigration and click under his RD month and year to see the details

From Rupnet:
His RD:-1/10/02;ND:1/23/02;FP:5/11/02; IND-PA-EB2
AD:6/18/03...{online msg;he's waiting for approval letter]

Hope this gives a feeling that VSC is moving..!! :)