Jan 2003 - Mar 2003. Anyone receiving FP? Plz share


New Member
I would like to request for those who filed 485 from Jan 2003 - Mar 2003.

and receiving FP notices recently? sharing info would be highly appreciated.

Me.....Early 2003 filler No FP yet :D Have you?

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2FPs already :)

I-140/485 Concurrent Filing
ND: Mar 04,2003
FP1: July 2003
RFE: Nov
FP2: 14 Dec 2004...
Feb03 concurrent filing - FP done for primary on June04 No FP for 2 dependents

Strange is the way FPs are scheduled by TSC. In my family I completed my FP on 06/22/04. Still waiting for FP notices for my wife and younger son. Dallas local office tells me my case is pending since FP has not been done for 2 dependents even though FP and namecheck have been completed for myself and my elder son. Local office promised to send FP notices for them on 12/30/04 but we have still not received FP notices :mad:

PD: March2002
EB3 Concurrent filing RD:02/14/2003 ND:02/18/2003
2 EADs
2 APs
I-140 AD:11/08/2004 (after followup thro Senator)
I-485 Transfer to Dallas local office: 11/08/2004
Visit to Dallas Office after infopass appointment for status check: 12/30/2004
AD: ????
Slt & Dallas03096,

Thanks for sharing,

Yes, it is strange, many 2003 concurrent filler got FP, I am semi-concurrent filed 140 in 2002. 140 got approved in late 2003.

And we all noticed that there was a wave of approvals of concurrent 2003 through Jan-Oct 2003, . who had done FP and their casees were ready to further process. they all got approval quickly. and that time the May 2002 was mystriously ignored. and then that theme was broken, but still seeing 2003 last quarter approvals who have done FP and their cases are ready to approve. all we can say that they are very lucky ppl. :D , even many 2002 last quarter ppl are waiting. and even few jun-july ppl shared they are still in queue. that is realy painful situation for them when they see approvals in other cases and feel unlucky.
May God bless them and give patient, more strength to bear little more and not to give-up.

May be they are treating concurrent and semi/non-concurrent diferently.
heard about there is shelf in TSC name "????" is used to put cases who have done FP and ready to approve, and have very high perioirty, all I guess that was due to election presure and 2004 year report preparing. that they have to show how many ppl got approved..... they even didn't care who came first.

Well all hope for good for everyone.

thanks for sharing.

Good Luck
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I applied I485 on Jan 2003.Done FP ON June 2003.Waiting since then.The first FP Got expired.No second FP yet.
FP not done

My 485 ND in Jan 2003 no FP yet. Called Customer Service, said wait until you alive.

Thanks for sharing bhutu and INSSuck, bhutu did u send FP exp notice to TSc? many shared they do response in ur situation.

INSsuck, it seems ur are in same boat 'Early 2003 No FP yet' keep in touch

Are u con-current filler? or semi-concurrent?

And did online LUD ever change since u file?

Recently I moved, LUD changed that 'we resposne your request blah blah'

Anyone else plz like to join? filed Early 2003 and No FP yet?

Good Luck
It's only I485.mY i140 has been approved and applied I485 on that approved I140.
Can you let me know how I can let them know my FP EXPIRED? that will be a great help.
Yes the message change after I did the first FP, but that's all.
I-140/I-485 concurrent filing
ND: 01/14/03
FP1: 03/07/03 (expired)
Online Message: FP received and pending review
I-140 approved 10/17/03
FP2: ?????

Mine is Non-concurrent.

My details:

I-140 11/15/02 Approved
I-485 ND 01/14/03
No FP yet.
No changes in online status.
Already filed for 3rd EAD.Probably this will be my last EAD renewal. If I don't get by 2006 then I am leaving this country.
I'm in the same boat ....
(RD Feb 2003, 1st FP expired , waiting for 2nd FP )

I guess you (or we ) should reformulate the question :

"Who is receivng the FP now ? "
(meaning were is the real beginning of the pipe )
Bhutu jee

You can send TSC simple letter with ur info telling them that your FP is going to expired/ expired , most cases they expedite case to approve before expire some case never got response back, some got 2nd FP, try ur liuck

Dear raincheck,

just learned that even Publix and Windixe also give tough time to ‘Rain check’

YOu are in same boat, but do u mean Unfortunate is Eb3 or India??, Noone is unfortunate, God Love everyone, there may be some good reason for that that other are getting quicly and we are waiting, God will give us right thing on right time. :D .
Btw consider ur self lucky,,, I filed 140 one year beforer u it approved after ur approval 140. yes this true... :D .... Always be happy who u are where u from and what u are. :D Good LUck

I my case is similar but Its semi con-current, that mean 140 was filed in 2002 ….and approved in Oct 2003. but in early 2003 I filed 485. and 140 was approved end of 2003.
It seems that either non-current and semi-concurrent have difficulties to get FP. You are in same boat . keep in touch.

Nice Nick name. :D

Gsala jee
I agree with ur suggessiton but the title can’t be changed after posting. So I would repost / restart new thread soon… because the 2002 ppl are in very painful situation so it won’t look good the start worrying about ourselves (2003) even 2002 are waiting, I would start new thread soon when 2002 pipeline ends and we see 2003 cases are being processed.

Thanks for sharing and.

Plz, All 1st Quarter 2003 ppl use as single group plz, name '1st Quarter 2003' so we can learn what is going on.

Good Luck
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Thanks for the info.

Yes your nick name is cool. By the way do you sell any GC's for other countries. Please let me know I will pay in dollars.


Thanks for the info.

Yes your nick name is cool. By the way do you sell any GC's for other countries. Please let me know I will pay in dollars.


I-140/I-485 concurrent filing
ND: 03/13/03
FP1: 07/22/03 (expired)
Online Message: FP received and pending review
I-140 & I-485 RFE 09/09/2004
I-140 RFE Repied on 10/16/04
I-140 approved 11/01/04
I-485 RFE Replied on 11/29/2004
FP2: 01/03/2005
AD:????????? Waiting....
Hey any007!

keep in touch, we have virtually identical timelines. I also had FP2 (12/21 received) after replying to RFE...Waiting too