J1 waiver time lines


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Hi Friends,

I just wanted to share with you my J1 waiver time lines:

I had already got No Objection Certificates (NOC) from Home Government in 2005, but did not apply for waiver till Feb 2007:

- Applied for waiver Feb 27, 2007: Sent papers to Waiver division and sent the NOC's to my Embassy in Washington.
- On March 06, 2007 received a copy of the NOC submitted by my embassy to Waiver Division in Washington.
- The waiver website: My case appeared on the website on March 22...stating that fee, DS 2019, DS3035 forms have been received.
- Then on March 29, it got updated stating NOC has been received.
- from then onwards there was no update until June 06, 2007. In between I sent a couple of faxes to Waiver division and spoke to Customer Service on phone. But all they told me was that it takes 4-6 weeks for the whole process and that I should wait. So I waited. Then on June 06 when I checked my case status on website....The NOC received date was changed from March 29 (listed earlier) to March 22, 2007. I don't know why they changed this date...but who cares. The status still showed "Pending"
- However when I checked on june 7th, my status mentioned "Favorable Recommendation"

So in all it took me more than 3 months to get my J1 waiver. Obviously this does not include the time that it took me to get my NOC certificates from the home government.
My waiver was based on No objection to return by the home government. It was not Fulbright and was not funded by any US organisation
And I dont see any reason why DOS needed to consult my sponsor...I dont think they did (but I cant be 100% sure ---since I dont know)
Hi sunny,

I am in the boat and my case is still pending since March 20th. Could you please tell me the fax number and tel. number to which send the request?

Contact details are given below:

Fax: (202) 663-3899

U.S. Department of State
Visa Services
Waiver Review Division
2401 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20522-0106

Tel: 202-663-1225....then u have to listen to the automated message and press the right buttons for waiver inquiry ( i don't exactly remember that...but try it out)
Favorable Recommendation is NOT your final J1-WAIVER. This is only the first stage of the application - final waiver is given by USCIS. Check with USCIS for your status now.
Hi Sunny

Congrats! Hope by now you would have got your final approval from USCIS. Could you please tell me from which USCIS service center you got the final approval? I am also waiting for this final approval.
