J1 Waiver Questions


New Member
I have several questions and I will be glad if someone can help me out.

First, I have applied for assistant professor positions in universities in US and I am currently in a post-PhD
research position in a university (computer science).
My current J1 expires 30 Sep 2004 and my three-years of J1
get over in Jan 2005.

Does anyone know if I can join such a position in a university
on a J1?
If not, is there any other visa I can shift to till I get a waiver done?

More questions regarding the J1 waiver.

(a) The first three steps seem to be:
1. Write to DOS with data sheet and get a file number
2. Apply to Indian consulate for attestation of NORI
3. Submit NORI documents to India to the three departments.

Can any of these be "parallelized"?
For example, can I do 1 simultaneously with 2 and 3?
(of course 3 has to be done after 2).

If not, can I do at least 1 and 2 simultaneously?

I want to do this as I am in a hurry.

In particular, when exactly does one need the file numbers,
etc. that the DOS gives?

(b) For getting the NORIs signed by the three departments in India, can I send my letter directly from here to them, or have someone send from India? How exactly can I ask someone to "follow-up" this in India?

I would appreciate a quick reply!!

- Madhusudan
J1 waiver steps

You can do steps 1 & 2 simultaneously since you do not need the case/file number from the DOS until you get all the NORIs from the Indian agencies and want to send them to the Indian Consulate for final issue of NORI.
From personla experince, I would suggest you
1) first confirm all the addresses to which you have to send the request for NORI's by calling them up if necessary.
2) Fill the NORI forms (biodata and affidavit that you send to the consulate for attestation) completely. Also attach all the post-high-school degree certificates (UG, PG and Ph.D), more so if you studied in India. send these by FEDEX.
3) The HRD(Delhi) takes about 40-50 days to get the NORI on your hand; The passport office (Bangalore) also took the same amout of time from the day they received it. The home government takes little longer, ~2 months. However it is important to call them if after about 3 week's time. In the case of the state government (Tamilnadu) it is better you follow it upi even closely as this happens to be the longest process. They first ask No-DUEs from all the colleges and institutions where you studied, then a police clearance certificate and a No-Objection statement from your parents.
Hope it helps.

hey madhu how u doing , my name is singh i am currently in florida saw your stuff on line , regarding this j1 thing , did u get your waiver done , i have started my process sent all my papers to the respected depatments , just wanted to know that the pass port office from bangalore does the work on time or we have to know some body inthe office ,, hope u reply

trhank u so much
