J1 waiver on-line DS3035 and old IAP 66


New Member
I have a couple old IAP 66 forms, that caused problems when I tried to use on-line system for DS3035, where info about previous programs are needed. I have a few questions below. I have searched a lot, but no clue at all. Could anyone give me some help? Many thanks in advance.

1. SEVIS number issue. The IAP-66 number is shorter than DS2019 number. On IAP-66, a number is like F123456, which the on-line system doesn't accept. Can I convert to F0000123456 by adding "0000"? Is this a legitimate conversion?

2. I have a few DS-2019 forms for my j1 student and academic training, do I fill in them as one entry line (assume taking the first form), or should I enter each form separately? By doing the former, I understand that I could combine the start and ending dates and amount of funding. Am I right? The problem is that the program started with IAP66 and then changed to DS2019, these forms have different numbers. Which number should I use?

3. Subject/Field Code issue: The on-line system accepts format of xx.xxxx. But my IAP66 has code like 3111. I have looked up for code translation. My Q is: can I input a “different” code for my IAP66 form? I mean, am I entitled to do that? Am I not acting faithfully to the original data? -- because these code are supposed to be used by officers from international offices, and second, I didn’t find an exact matching for the category.

Thank you again,
Use paper forms instead of killing time seeking information and clarifications. Never mind but if I were in your place, I would have already done that.