J1 Waiver, Letter of Representation


New Member
Hi all!

I sent in my documents for an Advisory Opinion mid-December. I never heard anything from them. Mid-March, my International Center was able to contact them and got my case number. They also found out that my case was only opened end of February and that they had my name wrong.
As I couldn't wait for another 6-8 weeks for the Advisory Opinion, I started the Waiver process, checking regularly my case in the DOS webpage.
April 1st, my Advisory Opinion decision was published as subject. Still, I haven't got any letter from them stating this decision or finally my case number.
April 11th, my No objection appeared. But two things make my suspicious:
First it shows a "Letter of Representation" received. As far as I know this is form G-28 from an attorney- but I did all by myself. Second, the usual "Letter of information sent" or "No objection letter requested" did not appear (No objection letter already sent by my embassy, but does not show up either).

So what's the Letter of representation really? Should I call them to be sure that this case number is mine and did not get mixed up with somebody elses? I have no official anything yet, just the number passed through my International Center.

Thanks for any help!
I believe that the statement in your case status "Letter of representation received" is normal - it showed up in my case as well (I also did everything by myself).