J1 waiver-Chennai Been more than 2 yrs.. help


New Member
Hi Guys,

I applied for a J1 waiver in April 2008. I got my NORI from the Delhi office in Aug 2008, however its been more than 2 years now i have not received anything from either the RPO or Secrt. in Chennai.

I sent my brother to check there in RPO, they say it has cleared from here, thats all the information they give.

Also in the meantime i moved to a new apartment, I did do mail forwarding but i am afraid that the documents may have arrived and got laot in the mail, i dont know.

I also tried calling the Consulate in SFO, its been 2 months now, i try everyday, but only manage to reach voicemail, they dont pick up. I even sent my friend to check in person, all they said was we'll check.

I am lost, i dont know waht to do next, please help.