J1 VISA to enter the US and then get married ( Can I do that ?)


New Member
I have been in the US for 2 months now (I'm Canadian) and I talked to many people and read many documents about immigration. Since I have more information in my hand, I made a plan. Can you tell me what you think?

Working VISA
- I don’t have a special profession or a Master (I'm a data mining business analyst)
- I don’t know personally someone you believe in me and want to go through the VISA process for me

Obtain a J1 VISA for 18 months and find a host company for this time. I found a great program called SWAP who will do all the paperwork for my VISA and I will pay the fee so the company in the US won’t have anything to do.

US Residency
- My boyfriend will be divorced between 1 and 5 months (The divorce is in process now)
- My boyfriend is going to start the citizen application process next month

In about 6 months we plan to get married.
Honestly, do you think my plan is realistic? Somebody told me that even if we get married I will have to go back to Canada for 1 or 2 years (because of the nature of the J1 VISA). Is it true ?
Thank you for your help,
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Your boyfriend is married. It is not appropriate to be dating a married person as it can definitely affect the outcome of a US divorce; adultery is grounds for a fault divorce. I hope he is not getting his citizenship on the basis of a marriage to a US citizen.

Your statements makes it appear that you do not intend to comply with the terms of whatever non-immigrant visa you obtain.

The proper thing to do is wait until he is divorced, If he has his citizenship at that time, he can apply for a fiance visa; otherwise, he can file for you as the spouse of a green card holder and you can wait in Canada in that queue. Once he completes the naturalization process, he can upgrade the petition.