J1, two year residence program for Canadian permanent resident


New Member
I am a permanent resident of Canada (just applied for Canadian Citizenship, but it will take around 8 months to get it) and about to apply for J1 visa to work as a postdoc at an university in USA. I wanted to know if the two year residency (after the completion of J1 project) at my home country applies to me or not. In other words, can I directly apply for H1 (provided I get an employer) or perm resident after the term with J1, based on my most recent country of legal permanent residence.
Whether the HRR apples to you or not depends on your program. In your case, as a post-doc in a university, you may be using NIH funds (US government funds), so check with your university office that will issue your paperwork whether or not your visa falls under HRR. Otherwise, if your field of expertise isn't on the Canada skill list (I'm not sure there even is a Canada skill list but check), then you will not be subject to HRR.
Your permanent residence is in Canada, and you are applying from Canada, so be aware that your HRR (should you have this requirement) will make you return to your last country of permanent residence (Canada), not your home country.