J1 to J2 conversion from home country


New Member

Me and my wife are on individuals J1 visas. She has DS2019 valid upto 2014 and I-94 indicates D/S. because of some personal reasons she no longer want to work and she need to go back home for two months. mentor told her to quit job because he don't want to give her leave for 2 months. If she quits the job whether she can go back to India stay for 2 months and come back on J2 as my dependent? If it is feasible than whether we have to take J1 waiver for her to do so as her DS2019 says two year home residency requirement. We are too confused that if she will quit job whether she will be able to come back or not?


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Since she is subjected to 2-year home residency, getting a waiver for it is a hard part. If she can get J1 visa waiver she can enter US.

What is the point in coming in J2 visa again?