J visa Extension


Registered Users (C)
School year 2007-2008 is the third and final year of my J1 program, i would like to know if I can extend my stay or can apply for another sponsor.

If I am to go back home for the 2-year residency, can I apply for a J visa even before I satisfy the two year requirement?

I heard that the 2 year residency requirement is only applied to those who wish to change their status or apply for a regular or immigrant visa.

thank you
1) If the school year 2007-2008 is NOT the final year of your studyor work program in US, then you should extend your J1 visa/status, or apply for another J1 program if you need to or if you can. If your study or work program extends after the year 2008, you need to keep legal status in US after the year 2008.

2) If you go back to your home country for the 2-year residency service, you may be able to apply for a J1 visa again even before you satisfy the 2-year service requirement. But this does not mean that you have met the 2-year residency service requirement. You still need to get J1 waiver or finish the 2-year residency service if you want to apply for US Green Card or change to other visa type later.

3) The 2-year residency requirement is only applied to those who wish to change their status to visas such as H or L visa (but not O1 visa), or apply for a Green Card. Also see http://www.greencardapply.com/question/question06/question06_0110.htm

question about J1 waiver

I just want to ask if I'm going to apply for my J1 waiver [/B]this year (no objection) and if not approve can I apply again the waiver (NOS) outside the USA? I'm planning to transfer in Australia after my contract here. or what if they will approve my waiver, our government in the Philippines want to get the NOS personally but my visa is already expired can I go back home and re enter the US again? Is that possible that I can get another visa with my DS right now. I have 3 years contract and this is my last 2007-2008 extension...

Please anyone could advise me about this matter.

thank you

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