J-2 passive income/EAD/self-employed/running business question.


New Member

My question is simple. We arrived to states (summer 2008) and I hold J2 status but don't have my EAD and it's unlikely that I can get EAD until next summer because my J-1 is not receiving any income here (she is volunteer and working for experience)

I own internet site and receiving income from US based LLC. I've been receiving it since 2005. I receiving % from each client registered from my site. Site is hosted by LLC company that pays me. How should I file taxes for this? Is this passive income? (may be topic for different forum thou)

May I lawfully continue to receive this income or should I apply for EAD (I don't plan to apply for a job)? What should I do now?

May I form a company here for tax optimization purposes (because social taxes for independent contractors are huge) and if so may I be shareholder of a company (I understand that I can't be employee of a company because to employ myself to my own company I need to have EAD)?

What if I will create offshore company that will receive all this income and I will be CEO of that company. Is this eligible?

And if there is a good consultant who can help me with this in PA,philly area I will be gratefull.
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You must have emplyment authorization if you are doing any "work". If you are worried about paying social security/FICA taxes, you are working.

You should look for an immigration lawyer- belongs to AILA - and a business lawyer to advise you.