It's interesting! 90% 485s are from India.


Registered Users (C)
According to RUPNET.COM, I found almost 90% of filings of I-485 are fom India.
kia because

mostly indians frequent this website and add their info to Rupnet. I am sure there more cases from other countries than India. Somehow, indians are making their data public. Please don't be startled. I am sure there are more approvals for other countries. You can call INS to find out. I am NOT wrong in making this statement. so, please breathe easy.
that means Indians are more like to share information. What's the point of this? Will this "discovery" help others?
india lags behind mexico,china & philiphines

philiphines has more applicants than india as per ins data.
come on, guys, just relax!

Why you guys are so sensitive about this? I do NOT try to make any point, ok? I just had this interesting info to share for relaxing. Be easy pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable.
Take it easy

Guys, when people start to point fingers things can get nasty. It is probably true that Indians consists the largest proportion of the current pending I-485 cases, especially employment based (hi-tech based) category. It's simply the fact and nobody should get offended by the fact. There is no need to point out that the India is behind xx, xx, and xx countries. No hard feelings in any cases.

Please stopping posting any followups on this thread. Save your time on some other issues need to be concerned. Who cares where you are from, we all know that we are here and working hard to make our dream come true. Thanks.
The fact is such

18% of so called indian H-1b applicants came here with fake degrees.

The indian body shop is very popular in silicon valey.

70% dont even have job now (laid off) and staying illegally in USA.
I totally agree with Yjay.

My point is : it's nothing wrong even though the info. is true in real world. Thanks the hard works of all foreign labors!
Yaaa Habibi.................

Bang Bang bang, Hammer, Hammer, Hammer..........go down where you belong.
please stop the non-sense fighting here.

I am a statistician, I just curious to study the RUPNET.COM data to see if the sample is biased, that's all.

I am sorry to initiate this. Please close the discussion here!

Good idea to close this link....

But in passing...... you might be a very good statasticians, you + anybody on this forum won't be able to match Habibi's skills in this field. Look at the percentages she has come out with above.