It is my turn!


Registered Users (C)
Receipt Number: SRC02176(53824/53786)

Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On July 1, 2004, an approval notice was mailed.

Checked 5pm EST no changes in LUD.

Wife was checking email at 10 PM. Voila the APPROVAL emails.

Sent letter(literally begging/venting) to TSC for Expedite process 5 weeks ago , fax 3 weeks ago and today July 1 at 5 PM EST. Copied format from one of the benevolent folks on the forum.

It's been a loooooooong Journey since stepping on US shores almost 13 years ago as a student on F1 visa. It has been a winding roller coaster ride.

Wish the best to all who are still waiting.

Dont know if Letter for expedite helped, but urge every one to try it out just copy from any of the several formats lying around (I still believe the approval is natural more then induced thru letter). GoAstros and all filers (particulary any who have applied before me) I genuinely wish you the quickest approval (by the end of this month ) .

Actually thinking back maybe it is ATLDesi or someone else who wished a quick Approval for me :)

This forum has been very informative. Thanks to all the senior members.
More later. Will hang around for a while.
let me be the first to congatulate you, your looooooooooooooooong journey is over. Congratulation again

Congratulations! Enjoy your freedom. What's the reason for expediting the process, since your fp won't expire soon and your nd is May, 2002 compare to the Jan 2002, published processing date. Thanks.
hey congrats buddy.
wish you the best.
do keep on visiting the forum.
Thanks for your wishes.
I too need my approval soon.
as I am going to move again.
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When is the treat :p

I told you it will get approved soon just a couple of days ago. Maybe I should tell myself that my case will be taken up soon :D
Thanks for all the wishes

Thanks for being the first.


Honestly I feel the approval was natural. But to take the monkey off my back I did write/fax letter to TSC.

1. First time 5 weeks ago wrote venting that
The procees has been too long, costing me lot of money,
I have an infant son with whom I would rather spend more time than worry about my residency,
I had to apply for Driver License twice in three months and am about to apply again(since DL exipry is based on EAD date in FL most DL Offices).

FP will be expiring soon (which was not correct).

Later 3 weeks back and again last night just copied the standard format from the forum members and just faxed it.


Just threw a stone and the ripples got me the approval, I GUESS :)

Reason does not matter. I gues s when they get a letter/fax they might open file and based on some thumb rule might act on the file.


Wish you get UR card before you move( nay today).
I will visit for a while. Hopefully by the end of year nobody has to visit the forum. U know what I mean :cool:


Do wish your self. I am wishing U too.


I know the anxiety to find as much info about an approved person.

Once again thank U'all