Issues with H-4 ?? after getting F-1 Rejected


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My friend in India got her F-1 rejected in Aug'2002. She appliced again within 3 days and got rejected again. They told her she cannot apply in person for the next 2 years(Aug '04). But could mail the application. Is this true?

She is planning to get married to her boyfriend whose on H-1B for 3 years.

Would there be any issues in her getting an H-4 after they get married, because of her F-1 rejection? Can she apply for her H-4 visa through mail. Basically should they go ahead with the marriage and assume she would get the H-4?

Any insights/guidance would be highly appreciated.

She does not need to worry. I also had a friend who initially came to US on visitor visa and than changed her status to F1 after coming to US. She then went to Mexico to get the stamp on her passport but they did not give her (this is pre-9/11). Later she married a guy on H1 in India. She than went to Mumbai consulate and they gave her H4 without any problems. As F1 is non immigrant intent and primary visa, its much more difficult to obtain than H4 with has dual intent and a dependent visa.