Is transit visa required in london ?


New Member
My parents got their extension approved a couple of weeks ago. They do have their return routed via london heathrow. Do they require a transit visa at london ? They have a 10 yr valid multiple entry visa to USA.

When I called up British Airways (their carrier), I was given multiple answers, and the reps dont know for sure.

Can you anyone point me in the right direction ? Since due to their age, I really want to avoid any pain to them at the last minute.
Just got back from USA/transit by London

I am Bulgarian, with a BG passport. Just got back from California.
Both ways back and forth I stopped in London for 20/22 hours.
When you are transit via a country that requare visa and stay less in 24 hours, it is ok.
You don't need a visa.
if you want to entry the country, u only have to "pass", the little interview of the customer department in London.
They are the ones who decide if u will be able to leave and see London and get back for your plane.
For sure u dont need a visa till 24 hours.

For further question, do not hesitate to contact me at:
