Is this why the NSC is so slow?

Ahhhh, kind of like the

French foreign legion. Hey Eastern Europeans, etc.... (more unfortunate parts of the world...) join the legion and become French citizens in five years (if you live to see it.)

Ya know, I can't believe these people. You know if it comes down to them or a native born, they will be picked to the dangerous stuff.

Guess the commanders don't have too much confidence in the natives to mix it up.....up close and personal.

Is it worth it. Hell, don't think so.

Reminds me of what happened to the French back in the 60s when the foreign paratroopers were out to take over the french government (or at least terrorize Degaulle in rescinding his decree for Algerian independance.)

Is it possible history can repeat itself??????? Hmmmmm.....