is this true?


Registered Users (C)
My lawyer contacted INS about my case and he told me he was told that my case is on the call-up shelf. she said that since they issued an RFE and I replied to it they will pick it up at the end of the call-up time which was 12 weeks. My RFE was issued on 7/14/2004. Is that true? any comments please?

One more thing to add is that my LUD was changed on 8/20 and my RFE was acknowleged 8/17 so I do not know what this LUD means or why it occurred.
Hi Spartakus
case is on the call-up shelf means what--
i guess noramlly time frame for RFE to respond is 12 weeks, so at the end of the 12 th week they will look in to ur case or what???
i also responded my RFE 3 weeks back , but nothing was done for to day, so i need to wait 12 weeks?/

Hi krisnkris

It depends on the officer and the load he has and how busy is TSC. the 12 weeks is like the max u will wait before u hear from them. My lawyer said that the average was between 30 - 60 days before they respond.