Is this a problem?


Registered Users (C)
I have my interview coming in a few weeks. I realized that when I submitted my N400 form I made 1 mistake:

1. I listed 5 trips that I had taken out of the country in the last 5 yers (each of them were less than 2 months)
2. I forgot to mention 1 trip - this trip was on a cruise vacation to Bahamas about 4 years back. It was for 3 days only.

Is this a problem? What should I do now?
Shouldn't be a problem, you can mention it during the interview or have a printout of that page of the N-400 with the ammended information. Things like this happen all the time.
Just update the appropriate page and bring it along to your interview. Just let the Interviewing Officer know that you have a change to make and that's it. They'll either accept the page from you or just update the page themselves.

Don't worry about's not the end of the world. :)