Is this a problem for US citizenship


New Member
Hello - I am about to apply for US citizenship and have a question. During my 5 year period I went abroad on 2 consecutive trips:

1) Trip 1: 3 months
2) Came back to the US for 2 weeks and I traveled around the US and stayed in a hotel
3) Tripe 2: 4 months

So I have been away for 7 months total but as 2 different trips. When I came back to the US for 2 weeks in between the trips I stayed in a hotel.

From citizenship perspective - do those 2 trips count as 1 trip totalling 7 months? The reasoning would be that the trips were just 2 weeks apart and even when I came for the 2 weeks I stayed in a hotel.

Also for those 7 months - I did not rent any apartments but I still kept substantial ties to the US.

Can somebody out there elaborate on such a situation? Is there a high risk for denial of citizenship based on those 2 trips?

The law says to be citizen, you need to meet the following 2 requirements:

1. maintain your PR status for 5 years - to do so, you need to be in USA for at least 3 months out of any 12 consecutive months.

2. Out of the 5 years, you must be in USA 30 months - 2.5 years.

So, do your math.