Is that OK if all independent letters for RFE are from universities


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I am collecting the independent letters and notice that all these letters are from universities. My RFE only ask for independent letters. Is that a problem?
may be!

If it is from other (other than where u work) national & international universities () then it carries weight. Well It also depends upon your area of research. If it is more academic then universities letters are fine. If they are of industrial potential then you need to get one or two from industrial belt too.
if you don't mind what were the near exact wordings of RFE?
yw7kyahoo said:
I am collecting the independent letters and notice that all these letters are from universities. My RFE only ask for independent letters. Is that a problem?

Do you work at a University? If so, and if your letters are from independent people who are associated with other Universities (or even you own for that matter, as long as they are INDEPENDENT ), you are fine.

All the best!
got the RFE post by you

"The letters submitted in behalf of the beneficiary are from intereseted parties, and while they are helpful tehy do not carry the same probative weight as opinions from experts and institutions that are clearly independent of the beneficiary. It is generally expected that an individual whose accomplishments have gone well beyond the circle of her personal acquaintances, would have letters of recommendation from sources beyond the circle of her personal acquaintances. In other words, if the beneficary's work is not highly praised apart from her personal and professional associates, then it is difficult to conclude that she is of national interest. Considering the extremely restrictive category being requested, it is expected that the record would include a wider range of letters.

I guess you need independent letters !It doesn't metter from where you get it! Try getting it only from other universities !

I also feel that content carries lots of weight here. Make sure to include nations interest, reason for labor skip, your outstanding qualifications etc.

If the research include industrial benefits!! there must be someone who will be interested your work from industry. It doesn't matter what you have accomplish so far.......the future projections also might interest him/her.......he surely can give you letter then.
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yw7kyahoo said:
I am collecting the independent letters and notice that all these letters are from universities. My RFE only ask for independent letters. Is that a problem?

It will surely help if you could get letter from industrial circle too.!!! variety is always better !!! And since this is RFE ...don't leave any scope for them to react negatively! ALL THE BEST!