Is spouse technically still in F-1 status ?


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My wife had converted to F-1 status in July 05 (from H-4 status on which she entered the US). Later on, in Sept 05 I filed the I-140 and 485 for myself and her.

My question is -- she has been working on university campus since August 05 as allowed by her F-1 status. But since she has filed the 485, is she violating any law by not using her EAD card?

Does anyone have experience with this situation? (We have not gone outside the US after she changed status to F-1. I think I read some where you maintain status as long as you dont go out of US)

Thank you for your help.
Technically F1 is not dual intent VISA!! So as soon as you file I-485 you loose F1 VISA status.!!She continue to work on OPT/CPT then she need to inform her international office!!they will make a note of it! she has not done any illegal act so far.!! don't worry, she has more power to work on AOS status.after her student ship she can apply for EAD based on AOS rather than OPT.We had something simialr situation only difference was that my wife was not working at all...she was just studying and we inform our international student office...we were told that her situation is Limbo situation and she can continue to work and study as student!!
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Thanks MrGC2004

Actually she has the EAD card from last few months but it never occured to us to use it for on-campus employment.