Is Security Clearance possible?


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Does anyone know if it is possible to get a security clearance after getting green card. Is there any site that can help me to see how to get security clearance and what the requirements are.
Most federal governmet agencies require its employees to be US citizens. Unless you have some kind of special connections no one else knows about, the answer would be most likely no
xyz_999 said:
Does anyone know if it is possible to get a security clearance after getting green card. Is there any site that can help me to see how to get security clearance and what the requirements are.

Possible, but difficult. It also depends on what level of clearance you are trying to get. You will get some information from these sites:

The problem is the job requirements where those clearances are required. Even if you are able to obtain security clearance, you will find that most of the defence jobs require security clearance + citizenship. So, most of the times, just clearance is not enough - especially after 9/11.
In theory it is possible to obtain all levels of civillian security clearance of any person who is not a Green card holder nor a US Citizen.
It is very cheap for a company to obtain a security clearance for a person who is a US Citizen, but for high levels of security clearance for a person who does not have US Citizenship or Green Card, they have to run a background check, plus send investigators to the place you grew up and interview your school teachers and your neighbours and find out if you had any radical ideas while growing up. This can cost a lot of money. There are several instances where private companies and government will spend a lot of money to obtain security clearance for foreign nationals. One example is a Russian Cosmonot flying on a US Space mission.
Again that is a civillian security clearance....millitary security clearance is another story.