Is Language a constraint at Chennai?


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Hello All,
I am sure this must have been asked before, but due to ergency I'll ask the question first and search the site later.

I am trying to get a visitor visa for MIL who does not speak English. Hence, I would have to make an appointment with my local language. However, VFS website seems to be totally messed up and I can't get an appointment. Is it ok to make a regular appointment and ask for a translater at the time of interview? Or does it have to be scheduled with a translater only?
Any experience in that regards from people here?

TIA for any leads,
As far as I know, you need to schedule the appointment with the right 'language' upfront. You can NOT set up an English appt and ask for the translator at the time of the appointment.

If your MIL can not speak english, then wait for your regional language appts to open. You need to check the website at least 2-3 times a day.

- JK.