Is it time to count on Nov!!


Registered Users (C)

Let's get count, who did not get Nov approval. We might have clear idea where we stand.


have you received or heard anything on your fingerprints expiration? The reason I ask is that I have the same RD and FP date as you and I have not seen or heard anything yet. Just wanted to check with you...........

RD 11/14/01
ND 12/07/01
FP 6/01/02
:mad: :(
Waiting patiently....

Still waiting....

RD: November 26th, 2001
ND: December 3rd, 2001
Receipt #: EAC-02-053-XXXXX
Nov RD

RD: Nov 16, 2001
ND: Dec 10, 2001
RFE For Spouse: 2/4/2003
RFE Received: 2/28/2003
EAC: 059-...

Hoping to get approved soon.


I have not heard anything either. If the FPs do expire after 15 months, I guess we have twenty more days! BTW, May 14th would also mean we have crossed the 18-month timeframe that the efficient agency stated in the receipt. INS/BCIS have no more excuses - THEY HAVE TO APPROVE US (well we can always hope right? ;-))

Good luck.

It is confirmed that fingerprints infact do expire after 15 months. So I am sure that if we are not approved by then we will need to get them done again. I guess the only positive things about this while fiasco is that we will know that some one is looking at out file to check for fingerprints before adjudication.........:cool: